Hi Annabel, Tonto Tatu is doing very well. He's a wonderful kitty. A real purr pot! He adores playing fetch, knows his name, knows NO (very good), eats and eats and eats, plays with lots of different toys (mostly destroying them in the process), loves belly rubs, gets along well with Tosca ( mimics whatever Tosca does usually) and has very good litter box habits. I have five litter boxes for three kitties and he makes sure he uses each one! Tonto actually seems like I could train to use the human toilet! I'm not sure I want his little paws all over the seat, though. He is very, very smart. And very, very loving. He's been to the vet twice and has all his shots. He's scheduled for Thursday, Jan 26 for his neutering. He's going to hate the 12 hour fast beforehand, and I hope I can live through the temper tantrum he'll throw because there's no food/water out there to eat. Did I mention he loves to eat, ha ha, LOVES to eat. Dr. Ladhar is wonderful. Thank you so much for recommending him. I intend to use his clinic for all my kitties. I suppose when he's neutered I let you know and that's when we can get him registered with whatever cat association you pick? His chip has been activated. Did it online. Very nice. He is sooooo beautiful. That's Tonto lying next to Tosca's tail on the left. He's over four pounds now. Very sturdy kitty though I don't think he'll be as big as Tosca. His paws are much smaller than Tosca's were at the same age. That's all for now. Thanks so much for the gorgeous kitty. Hope you are doing well and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Tanya, T. of Fairfield, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel, Maleficent is an absolute sweetheart! I honestly can't say that I've ever been around a kitten with so much Love to give! I was prepared for there to be a transition period to gain her confidence in me but there was none! She came out with head bumps and wanting to rub against me. She stole my heart! Boy is she ever a talker! LOL I went straight to my Vet with her from the airport which turned out to be not a good decision on my part. My vet suggested that I bring her back on Monday rather than stress her anymore than she already was. When we went in on Monday my Vet had been called out on an emergency barn call and they didn't expect he would be back in that afternoon. Strike two! Finally on Tuesday she got her Wellness Exam completed; with flying colors of course. Your paper work was in excellent order! You have no idea how much I appreciate that! My Vet took the time to read over the contract and made note of her Health Record. Zoe's rating of Mally's hair was right on. It's soft as cake flour and so plush. Almost feels cool to the touch. Love her sweet little face. Her eyes would stop a three day clock. Her tail is just beautiful. Love the plume. I had originally planned on keeping her in my bedroom for her first two weeks here. As it turns out, I have no toddlers at this time, so she's in that room instead. It's fairly large with lots of toys, cat trees and windows to look out of. She's been in there for a week now and I plan to start introducing her to the remainder of the house and my fur babies next weekend. I'm sure she is missing her friend Black Pearl. Makes me feel sad for her. Hopefully she and Sophia will become buddies. They are three months apart in age. Thank you again for allowing Mally into my home! Sincerely, Paula H., of Madisonville, KY (E- |
Hi Annabel, It's nice to hear from you! We are so delighted in our new kitty, she is so much fun, adorable, agile and intelligent. She is so smart and agile, I am thinking she should be in an agility training classes. She is doing very well and having a great time exploring the house, playing and getting into mischief. Yes, she has fully acclimated to the house. She has helped me to reorganize my desk and do some redecorating lol. She has a favorite toy in something that is like scrunched up shiny Christmas paper. She loves to play soccer with it in the kitchen, she will play fetch when I throw it for her and is so cute when she carries it. She follows me everywhere I go, she's my little shadow and helper. She learns quickly; has learned the word no and stops the behavior when told no. I was finally able to trim her nails the other evening while she was relaxing on my desk. She is comfortable with Bob now and it's still a work in progress with being comfortable with Daniel, as he's not home much. She has been to the vet and has done very well except for when it came to shots. She does not enjoy those at all, but a hug from mom, helps to make her happy. She does very well at home after her shots, the best I have ever seen from any of the cats we have owned over the years. She passed her stool test and is doing well. She weighs a little over 3lbs now. She has had some reddish brown discharge from her eyes. I asked the vet about it and she checked her eyes and thinks it's most likely from allergies. The vet says she is doing well and is beautiful! No concerns for now, I will let you know if any come up. All the paperwork has been completed, submitted and accepted. "Fauna's" new name is now Callie Grace Hope. We call her Callie or Callie Grace. Each one has a special meaning. This is the first pet I have ever given a Bible verse to. I picked the name Callie because I thought it is cute like her and later learned it means beautiful, which she is. Grace is for God's gift of grace, Daniel chose this name and Hope is for Titus 2:13 "Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus.", due to the times we are living in. I saw you accepted my friend request, thank you. I am hoping to get some pictures of her on FB soon, but mine are nowhere near are beautiful as yours! Thank you for this beautiful little fur ball! She is such a sweet blessing. God bless, Karen, B. of San Jose, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel! Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back to you. Zuko is doing very well, he is as curious and cuddly and playful as ever, probably even more so as he gets older :) Zuko LOVES being help with his front paws over our shoulders as we carry him around the apartment. We think it's because he likes seeing everything that's going on! He even whines if we put him down! Yes, we did go to the vet. And we went to the same one twice before we decided to go to a different vet. Both times (though we can tell they really love cats, and they are a cat specific practice) we felt very guilt tripped by them that we did not have two cats. The vet kept saying over and over that Zuko needed a friend and Will and I can't afford a second cat right now, much less want a second one due to the size of our apartment. We spoil him like crazy and play with him every single day :) He has so much love! So, this Friday we are going to a different vet in hopes for a better experience. Zuko is definitely fully acclimated! When we go out now, we let him have full reign of the apartment. He is very good about only scratching on his scratching posts and we haven't had any issues with him being destructive. He also loves the cat structure that we bought him. As for questions, do we ever need to give him baths? This is something we are very curious about :) Also, how often do kittens need their deworming medication? I know that he had some when he was in your hands, and we have also given him one dose since. The Vet we are going to this Friday is recommending another and we wanted to ask if that is necessary. Thank you Annabel! We are very pleased with Zuko and his temperament. Elisabeth, Y. of Marietta, GA (E- |
Hi Annabel, Jasmine (Unique) is doing great! She has been to the vet twice since we got her. The first time within 72 hours, per your health guarantee. The second to finish shots. We are waiting until close to one year to do rabies per your suggestion. The vet says she's very healthy, if not very small. Jasmine is doing very well, she passed the three pound mark this week, which is great since at our first vet visit she was only 1lb 15oz. She loves the freedom of the whole condo and is doing very well with her sisters. She loves to chase our 3yo calico, Rose around the house. She spends most of her time when not running around cuddling with either myself or Andrea. She is starting to be almost as vocal as our other Siamese (mix). All three get along and have mostly worked out their issues. Jasmine is very good at getting what she wants with the two older cats. The two others seem to accept that she is sticking around, the calico likes to play with her. Our oldest the Siamese mix enjoys her company but doesn't play much with anybody. We have already registered her both with the microchip place and with TICA and gotten her paperwork back! Overall, she is a very sweet but spirited kitty and a joy in our lives! Thank you! Attached are a few pictures of Jasmine. Mary & Andrea, M..S. of Campbell, CA (E- |
Yes all is great!!...the babies are doing wonderful...they have had 2 vets appts since I picked them up...all they have left to get is their rabies shot...no problems or bad reactions at either appt...they spend most of their time in my room...at night and during the day when we're not home to watch them...when we're home we let them have run of the house....Ryder (our male) likes to squeeze himself under furniture still and eat random things off the floor..& pippa is my nosey one who likes to jump on things and take things that don't belong to her lol :) ...they weren't fond of bear our dog at first but now they don't even notice him around...and he leaves them alone too...I don't have any concerns...I love them so much...they run wild at night but eventually calm down and join me in bed...and in the mornings they both lay on me and purr non stop....they are very cuddly...Ryder will lay anywhere and let anyone pet him...pippa is more selective but still loves attention and a good petting...and they absolutely love each other..pippa grooms Ryder often and he lets her..thanks for the check in!...ill send pics too. Melissa, A. of Port Hueneme, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel, Paxton Thenardier (his full registered name) is doing great. He had his #3/final FVRCP (Merial) this past Tuesday, 10/27/15 and was quite tired afterwards, just as he was after his #2 vaccination but was his usual bouncing boy by the next day. He was 16 weeks, 5 days that day and weighed in at 5lbs....vet said he'll be a pretty big boy at possibly around 10 lbs. He is more and more beautiful as he grows and his personality shows. He is very people oriented (especially His people) and seems to love our older female, Minky, and doesn't understand why she doesn't play with him....hard as he tries....talk about persistent! We are still hoping Minky will grow to accept him better. It did not take him long to acclimate and claim the whole house as his world once I let him out of my bedroom/bathroom area where he lived for about the first 2 weeks (and he spends the nights). I guess my only concern right now is that both cats are not fond of their Grain - All the paperwork went well at my end although I have not heard back from the chip registry company. Is that normal? I also had the vet add one of the ID scan tags to Paxton file so it is part of his permanent record. Love our furbaby! Blessings, Joan, B. of Reno, NV (E- |
Hi Annabel!, "Lucy Love Burnett" is doing very well! She has fully acclimated to our home and is frequently exploring. She plays a lot but then has periods of cuddle time. Her vet visit went very well, as I reported earlier. We will be bringing her for her 3rd and final distemper shot in a few weeks. I sent in all of the necessary paperwork right away, so there shouldn't be any problems with that. One hilarious issue that we have come across is her incessant need to sit on my laptop keyboard, whether I am using it or not. I initially thought it was that she wanted attention, but often I walk into the room and she's up there sleeping even when I wasn't using it. It isn't warm either, as it's one of the newer models. I made awful sounds to deter her initially, but after a few days she just settled in even more when noises were made (she's too smart lol). I recently lined a box with a blanket and put it on the desk beside my computer, and keep moving her to it when she goes on the keyboard. Do you happen to have any additional tips for this small issue? I hear going on owner's keyboards is a "cat thing." Nonetheless, Lucy is absolutely wonderful and we love her so much. I attached a photo I took of her at 13 weeks, and will send you some more as time goes on. Thanks again for everything, Karissa, B. of Pasadena, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel, We are enthralled with our new kitty (Bella)! She is queen of the household! She is doing very well and loves to chase things that we throw for her. She also loves our computer keyboards! We kept her in our guest room for the first two weeks but now she has full access to the entire house. She loves to sleep on an old wool shawl on one of our Ikea chairs while our older cat loves the new kitty bed that we bought for Bella. She had her first vet appointment on April 15. I sent in a check and her paperwork to Viaguard, and her paperwork to CFF. Attached is a picture my husband took of Bella sleeping in the sunshine in our living room. Thank you so much, again! Christa, R. Bellingham, WA ( E- |
Hi Annabel, Our kitten (Jinxy) is doing fantastic! She acclimated right away and is very comfortable in her home. She loves everyone and comes when we call her. Her personality is so sweet and she loves attention and playing, but also loves to cuddle up to sleep with us- I sent in all the paperwork right away and she saw the vet 2 days after I picked her up. Jinxy goes back to the vet this Friday for more shots. The veterinarian loves her and compliments her eyes non stop. Everyone loves how blue her eyes are. I attached some pics- Thank you! Jamie, D. Arroyo Grande, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel, Thanks for checking in with us. Our kitten - Max has been to the vet and had the rest of his shots. He was pronounced very healthy with a big stomach. Annabel, thank you so much! Warmly, Wendy, K. Seattle, WA (E- |
Hi Annabel! We luv our little boy who has been named "Alexander Maximillian" but we call him "Max"!!! Or ninja, or sweet boy, or cuddlebug...... You get the idea :) He has taken over the house, plays tag with the boys, and luvs his cat tree! He's quite the entertainer and literally flies thru the air to get his toys! He is also quite the conversationalist!!! About day 3 he started sleeping in my bed & still does! His second vet appt is Weds (1/29) & all my friends are super jealous if this little guy! I have passed your website info along and know of a couple of people who might be interested in one of your fur babies! Shari, S. Vacaville, CA (E- |
Hi Annabel, We were just talking this morning about how much we LOVE our little "Mittens"! She is the best little kitty! She has such a sweet personality and is really great with the kids. She lets them pick her up and hold her and she loves playing with them. She has done a great job going potty in her litter box, and she has a healthy appetite. She has doubled in size. With all of the holiday activities we have going on, we have not made it to the vet yet. We plan on going first thing next week. Thank you so much for all of your help and love that you give to your kitties. Mittens is the perfect addition to our family! Thank you & God Bless, Rebekah, F. Aliso Viejo, CA (E- |
Bently has acclimated well. He has taken over most of the house. {Lol}. We are learning to hide all the baby bottles and binkies since he seems to have a fetish for them. My 5 yr old carries him around all over the place and he seems to enjoy it. We did take him to a vet and he was healthy. He is very feisty at 4 a.m. so sometimes I lock him out of my room to get an extra hour of sleep :- Nicole, M. Clovis, CA ( E- - (New Update as of 5/07/2014) He's very gentle with the baby. He stalks my 6 yr old probably because he messes with him more. He loves the baby and tolerates his accidental hair pulling. He's grown into a beautiful cat. |
Roswell, GA |
Hi Annabel, Little Lady Violet has definitely settled in! She's doing well, and was quite a hit at the vet's office. All was well there; she's got a clean bill of health and the vet said she's a spunky, perfectly healthy little fur ball. =) My house meets with her approval - Thank you so much for entrusting me with one of your precious babies, and for giving her such a wonderful start in life. I'm looking forward to twenty years of love, cuddles, purring and companionship. Best Wishes, Courtney (and Violet) San Jose, CA - (New Update as of 6/28/12) Hi Annabel, San Jose, CA |
Good morning Annabel, The kittens are doing very, very well. We decided to stick with the names you gave them. It just seemed natural to us. Paddy adjusted a bit more quickly to our home than Pierce. Paddy seemed comfortable almost immediately, but Pierce has a temperament that is a bit more cautious and it took him about a day to adjust. Now they both are running around like they own the house. :) They use their litter box and have had no accidents. Yay! Our dog Maggie has adjusted to them as well and vice versa. Paddy will walk right up to Maggie and has no fear. Pierce isn't quite as brave, but will sneak up on her for a sniff, while Maggie is napping. Maggie likes to lick them and play with them and their toys, but only under our supervision. Quite a contrast to see our 75lb Boxer next to these little guys. Last night, all three of them fell asleep together. I didn't leave them together for the night, but it was sweet to see. They were checked out by our vet and they seem to be in great health. :) They were quite the hit at the vet's office. Lots of oooohs and ahhhhhhs. Emily and Elizabeth hold them and play with them all the time. It was great to get them at the beginning of summer, so they are out of school to enjoy them. I find myself playing with them and holding them quite a bit too and neglecting some of my household duties. :) Annabel, I have spent quite a bit of time with many different kittens and cats over my life time and I have to let you know that these kitties are the friendliest, sweetest, most cuddly, and most beautiful kittens ever. I had read a lot about Balinese cats before deciding on what breed we wanted to invest in, but we are overwhelmed with joy about how much these kitties match up with all we were hoping for and wanting in a kitten. They always follow us around the house, they continually show affection, they are playful and they happily jump in our laps for cuddle/nap time. My girls feel like they are in heaven. So glad we have two! They each have one to hold and play with and we love the fact the the little brothers have each other for companionship. They are a lot of fun to watch while they run and play together. Right now, both kitties are in my lap. These little guys are the most affectionate kittens!!!! Aside from sleeping on our laps, they love to nuzzle their little heads under our chins. They are the most beautiful kittens and their fur is incredibly soft. I (we) seriously could just hold them all day. I will forward you some pictures. Thank you very much for allowing us to own two of your beautiful babies. You truly did a wonderful job in breeding them and preparing them for their new home. They were ready for the transition and you supplied us with a wealth of information and supplies to help us with their transition. We were amazed at all of the items you supplied us with for their new home. We truly thank you for a wonderful experience from start to finish. You have always been very helpful, informative, prompt in your communications, and very organized in this process from start to finish. Your professionalism and love of your cats shines through in all you do. If anyone I know is interested in a Siamese or Balinese kitten, I will send them your way with no hesitation and a glowing recommendation. Thank you! Thank you! Ellen and family Pleasant Hill, CA |
Hi Annabel - Not only is he beautiful to look at, he also has just the best personality - They're now napping with him, grooming him, watching him play and letting him chase them through the house which is just hysterical to see, given the difference in their sizes since Zoey weighs 10 lbs, Teddy weighs 13 lbs., and Riley was just over 2 lbs. at his checkup. We're all having a lot of fun having him here with us and all indications are that he will be a talker, an added bonus which makes us even happier. Best regards, Karen & Joe, D. San Francisco, CA |
Hey Annabel, Thank you for checking in. Evan and I are so ecstatic about our kittens. Officially, our male kitten's name is Kauai and our leading lady's name is Kona. Our kittens are doing very well. Evan and I took your advice by keeping Kauai and Kona in a secluded area in our home. It took our kittens two days to get really comfortable in their new environment. Kona did start off as a diva, but came to be very sweet. Kona is more of the daredevil and Kauai is very bashful. Speaking of Kauai, he ran away many of times when Evan and I tried picking him up. It took a "MAN WITH A PLAN" attitude to win Kauai's trust. Once I was able to lift Kauai, I held him tight, and lovingly said, " You don't know me now, but I am your papa and I am not going anywhere". After that, Kauai has opened his heart and soul to us. Evan took our kittens to the vet last Wednesday. The vet concluded that Kauai and Kona are very healthy kittens. We have an appointment with the vet in three weeks. Kauai and Kona are officially registered to us as their rightful owners. This Saturday marks two weeks with us. Evan and I are looking forward to Kauai and Kona exploring the rest of their new home. Thanks for providing us with such remarkable kittens...your initial upbringing of these kittens has been a blessing in itself. Have a great weekend and beyond!! Tim, B. :) Oakland, CA P.S. I have attached a short movie along with some pictures for your enjoyment |
Dear Annabel, |
Hi Annabel, |
Hi Annabel: |
I just wanted to tell you thanks. Rambo [is] a sweet kitten, [and] its been about two weeks since he came home. |
Hi Annabel, |
Hi Annabel, |
Hello Annabel, |
I just wanted to let you know that Blue and August are getting along. I want to thank you for Blue. He's loving and playful. You did a great job with him. I love my little [Blue] very much and so does his Big sister [August]. |
Hi there Annabel and Chris!!! |
Shehezerade is a “people kitty” and always wants to be with us. She’s still confined at night – every time I think I’ve completely “kitty proofed” my house, she’ll come up with something else she shouldn't be into -
Annabel and Chris, I want to thank you so much for Bentley, my little Lilac Point Siamese, he is so much fun to have in our family. He sleeps next to me in my bed every night and loves to spend all day in front of the window watching the prairie dogs run around our back yard. He loves to talk, too! We sometimes have full conversations with him, we will say something and he will meow right back, it is so funny! We also found out he likes to paint! I was working on a painting for a class, and he thought it would be fun to jump up into the paint and track paw prints all over the tile floor, my mom and I were covered in hot pink paint trying to wash his feet off, laughing uncontrollably the whole time. He has definitely been a pleasure to have around, our home must have been so boring with out him! Thank you again, you were wonderful in getting him safely to me in Phoenix, Arizona and have been so helpful in all the questions I have had about him. Our lives are so much more fun now that Bentley has come into our family! |
Hi Annabel & Chris. Thank you so much for such a beautiful little kitten named Ryeleigh. Both of you were fantastic to deal with and you made this such a pleasant experience from day one. WE would recommend you to anyone who is looking for a beautiful Siamese kitten with personality. Enclosed you will see some pictures of Ryeleigh in her new home playing with her new playmate Sammie. Thanks again. |
Well my daughter and I just fell hopeless in love with little Israel (now Starbuck) and our ride home may have been long but as you can see from the picture Starbuck enjoyed it. With a little time and love Mr Starbuck and my daughter's cat Madison Lee got along just fine as you can see from the other picture I am sending you. From the third picture I am sending you, you can see that Mr Starbuck is quite willing to share Ms Madison new cat condo with her. Mr Starbuck is such a wonderful little guy. No problems what so ever in his adapting and using the potty box and everything. Starbuck loves to get love, kisses, petting, and combing and he just purrrs happily all the while. Although it has been years since I had a baby kitty, he is such a love and joy playing with his toys and running and jumping and letting you play with him. I think everyday both my daughter and I grow closer and closer to the little guy. I just love coming home and seeing his little teddy bear seal point Siamese face. |
As you can see by the attached picture Elvis has turned into a handsome young man. Though he is mischievous, he is cute and forgivable. He still likes to attempt to nurse off of his sisters who still don't find this practice amusing but have taken him in as one of their own. Elvis is a lover who like to make his rounds making sure everyone gets a chance to love him back. Thank you Annabel for producing such a wonderful pet who is very much part of our family. |
Dear Annabel, |
Just wanted to let you know that Fantasia, now Bella Boo, had her first check up with the vet on Tuesday. He said she was a beautiful, healthy kitten and gave her a clean bill of health. She is so much much and sweet, sweet, sweet.
Have I told you how much we are enjoying our girl. She is the most fun, friendly, outgoing and playful. She has a little bit of the diva in her, but no so much. She talks a lot, but still in a baby voice. She's getting into most |
Dear Annabel, |
Dear Annabel, |
02/26/07: |
Dear Annabel, |
I purchased a gorgeous two month old male, chocolate point Siamese from {Tresor Cats}, and I have never gotten a kitten that bonded with me so quickly. I believe this was possible due to the good job {Tresor Cats} did in socializing the kittens. When I took my kitten to my veterinarian for his first exam, my doctor even commented on how well behaved and socialized he was. It is obvious my kitten had been well cared for and raised in a clean, healthy environment. In addition to a healthy kitten, {Tresor Cats} gives you so much more. Not only are you provided with coupons and samples of good quality kitten food, and even kitty litter, but {Tresor Cats} spends the time to answer your questions and to give you helpful advice about keeping your pet healthy and safe. When you leave {Tresor Cats}, you are sent off with your kitten, food and litter samples, and many pamphlets and pieces of information on such topics as pet insurance, what to ask and watch for when getting your pet his/her shots and getting him;her altered/spayed {neutered}, dangerous plants to avoid, info on different types of cat food, and much more. Not only do you take away physical extras in addition to your new family addition, but {Tresor Cats} makes themselves available to you if you have questions or concerns after getting your new arrival home. One thing I particularly appreciated was the fact that after having my pet for about a week, {Tresor Cats} called me to see if everything was okay. This told me that {Tresor Cats} really cared about their kittens and wanted their kittens to be placed in good, loving homes. I would definitely want to purchase all my Siamese babies from {Tresor} because I know that I would be getting a loving and healthy pet. |
I apologize for the lateness in getting this testimonial to you . . . Please know that I think of both of you every day knowing the joy that you both have given me. From the moment I spoke with Annabel & Chris until the moment I picked up my girls . . . You made this “adoption” so smooth and enjoyable. Annabel & Chris constantly gave me updates from the moment their moms were pregnant, letting me know when they were born, sending weekly pictures so that I could enjoy their growth and watch even their personalities flourish. My girls have filled my home with such love, laughter, devilishness from the moment they arrived. Isabelle, my Balinese, is my sweet loving chunky monkey child, although she does not like to be held, she does love to sit in your lamp, of course when it’s convenient for her. She’s finding her voice now and certainly lets me know when she wants attention. Annabelle, my Siamese and “devil” child, is into everything, and of course knows what the word no is but pays no mind to it. She loves being held, of course, when it’s convenient for her, and is the best snuggler. She will go in the living room and cry at the top of her lungs where you think she’s being hurt and you run in to see if she’s okay and she’s just sitting there thinking – yes I’ve got her wrapped around my paw! |
Hi Annabel, |
We have fallen in love with our new Siamese kitten. She is healthy, loving and energetic. She is also diplomatic, sitting in both my husband's and my lap in turn. We appreciate the professional and efficient way Annabel and Christopher run their business. We would certainly recommend them to anyone wishing to buy a pure bred kitten. |
Thank you so much for such a wonderful, perfect kitten. Tally is a beautiful and energetic addition to the family. Sophie, my other female, won't love. She is the sweetest and best behaved cat. Thanks again. I will definitely be sending pictures soon. She has gotten so Big!!! |
Dear Chris and Annabel~ thank you so much for the great experience in purchasing a kitten from your cattery. I named him Cooper. He was a well mannered kitten from the day I brought him home! He is a joy to me and my family as well as his Seal Point "sister". I would recommend your cattery to anyone who is looking for a beautiful well- |
Kittens: Lilac Point Siamese, Male (Leo) & Lilac Point Siamese, Female (Violet Rose)
We are writing to let you know how much we enjoy our kitten “Charlie”. For one thing I like the fact [that] before we left your place Annabel made sure to clip his claws and gave us a lot of free things. We bought a 9 wk old Siamese. He slept all the way home, and when he met our [other] animals he showed them who was [the] boss. He is now long and very well fed and smart. I liked the fact that ya'll [helped make] it easy to work [with] our military schedule to pick him up. |
Hi Annabel, I am SO sorry for the major delay in response!!! We keep taking pictures of Bella because we can't get enough of her! She is absolutely the most ADORABLE kitten we've ever seen, and we love her more than we ever imagined possible. Since the day she arrived, we have been absolutely smitten. |
Just to let you know that everything went OK at home.... He ate a little bit of wet food (a half of a half can) but no water yet. He played a lot with his toys (balls- |
Thank you so much. We are all well and LOVING our new kitten. The girls are great friends and play almost |
Lila has taken over the whole house and is having a blast. She is very much a mamma's girl, Practically ignoring my roommate. The older kitty (age 14) is tolerating her and allows her to play with her tail but does not like the nursing attempts. My 6 year old kitty is still adjusting. Lila is one of the happiest little kitties I have ever had. She is not afraid to demand food or attention-
This little kitten is talkative, playful, silly, inquisitive and quite a cuddlier, loves under the chin. She took to our Seal point Siamese after 3 days like long lost sisters. You two have a wonderful cattery, clean and well organized You are very thorough, and making sure the kittens are raised well and healthy. This comes through in the personality. A++ from me and Shilo, for giving her such a great start in life. |
Thank you so much for the beautiful Red Point! He is so loving and enjoys being with people and is a real clown. Big Red is the clown of the house. He is so loving and loves to be held. You did a wonderful job in raising him. He is not having any problems with the litter box any more...it was just the first night. You have done a great job raising your cats and they are in excellent health. I plan to get another kitten from your cattery sometime this year. Thank you again!! |
Chris and Annabel, I want to thank you for the fine service and attention that was part of getting our new Kitten "Hantu" He's truly into everything (it's his job) and now has made the house his home. I hope to get another kitten from you soon! Once again, Thank You! |
Thank you so much for giving us the chance to own such a great kitty!! We ended up naming him Bun. My Family and I love Bun, and he brings so much warmth into our home. We are enjoying our new addition to our family very much, he is lively and energetic, and he adapted to change very quickly. |
Sires |
Queens |
Balinese Queens |
Siamese Queens |
Lifes Abundance Cat Food |
NuVet Plus Vitamins |
Balinese Cat History |
Siamese Cat History |
Snow Tiger (Lynx) History |
Allergy Test Kits |
doTERRA Essential Oils |
Guestbook |
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References |
Past Kittens |
Client Kitten Pictures |
Celebrities & Siamese |
Cat Trees |
Retired Cats (Ancestors) |
Breed Color Points |
Torties and Red Points |
Kitten Kits |
New Kitten Checklist |
Feline Health Directory |
Early Spaying & Neutering |
Agreements |