List Of Kitten Litters:

Current As Of February 12th, 2025 A.D.

All of our kittens come with a kitten kit, and a variety of veterinary treatments.  We do our very best to give them a good start in life.  We take great pride in our all inclusive kitten packages.  We are happy to provide the most veterinary treatments whilst the kittens are in our cares, and this is all done to prepare them for their new forever homes.  For details about what each kitten comes with, check out our "kitten kits" page!  Also, to view pictures of past Siamese & Balinese Kittens click here!

If you are interested in acquiring a kitten from Tresor Cats, then please call 916.910.9200 or e-mail us at

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Breeder (Annabel Of Tresor Cats) always retains the option for first pick of any litter as or when needed to continue the breeding lines and to continue the breeding program.  No, I don’t always keep a kitten from every litter, but it’s important that if I ever did need to replace an adult cat, that I can pull a kitten from my own tried tested and true lines before introducing new lines from other breeders.  

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~New/Upcoming/Planned Breeding’s~

1.   Sephora X Charlamagne.  Four Kittens (All Males) Born January, 30th, 2025.  We can expect all Balinese kittens in all four color points including the Lynx/Tabby pattern.  Reds and Creams are also be possible.

2.  Blueberry X Charlamagne.  Pregnant!  Due early March, 2025.  We can expect all four color points as well as the Lynx/Tabby pattern, all Long Hair (Balinese)

3.  Pinky X Sirius Black.  Pregnant!  Due early March, 2025.  We can expect all four color points in both long and short hair.  This is a blended litter meaning we can get Siamese & Balinese kittens.  NO Lynx points are possible.  

4.  Chantilly X Charlamagne. Pregnant!  Due late March, 2025.  This will be an all Balinese litter in only Lilac, or Chocolate points.  Lynx points are possible too.

Other pairings will be planned for Spring of 2025!  

NOTE:  To learn more about these kittens/litters, please contact me via my contact form.  Thank You!    >^..^<